Read the stories of

Clients who
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How we've helped other clients.

Automation of Internal Processes

This financial services business needed a better internal system for tracking and billing services, along with an automated invoicing system. We created a FileMaker CRM which allowed them to increase profits and client satisfaction while reducing time spent on recording hours and invoicing.

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CRM for the Franchisor

Automotive franchise headquarters needed an integrated system to manage an ever expanding network of franchises. With time and budget constraints we helped create and implement a system that addressed all of their major processes.

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Digital signage

Our car care client had a problem getting their sales team to illustrate the benefits of their services to customers. We created a visually stunning, user-friendly solution using FileMarker to increase sales.

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A CRM for multiple teams

This document processing and device company needed a better way to organize sales, service and project management that enabled greater efficiencies and ease.

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Helping businesses launch

Our franchise-based business needed a way to forecast and outline complex business analytics drawn from a host of variables to help potential new owners get a simplified scope of their new business.

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Quality control management

Auto component quality control company needed a solution that liberated them from the time-wasting tasks of hand writing and transcribing data. We provided a way to move operations to mobile devices, providing added efficiency as well as time tracking capabilities.

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Expanding sales opportunities

This business, which photographs thousands of players under tight deadlines, needed to expand its photo tracking capabilities while offering new purchasing options thanks to this tracking technology.

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